Whether you are a younger investor, mid-career investor, or late career investor, this workshop will walk you through the pros and cons of RRSPs and discuss whether they're right for you.
This program is conducted through Zoom. Register to receive a reminder, the evaluation and any resource materials.
Click the link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82636468216
Part of RPL's commitment to supporting financial literacy and economic development in Regina. If you have any questions about our Business, Personal Finance or Careers programs, please contact Tim at 306-777-6013 or txie@reginalibrary.ca
Central Library, the largest of the nine Branches in the Regina Public Library system, is a social and informational hub in the heart of downtown Regina. The Library maintains an extensive calendar of programs, training opportunities, art exhibits in the Dunlop Art Gallery, along with film screenings in the Library's very own repertory film theatre!