Teens, release and destress before and after your exam finals. Meet a trained therapy dog and relax a bit with some doggo love. Held in collaboration with St John Ambulance at multiple branches.
This is an in-person program.
January can be a stressful month. Take a break from your studies and enjoy a visit with a therapy dog!
About St. John Ambulance's Therapy Dog Program:
St. John Ambulance’s Therapy Dog Program takes a volunteer and their dog into hospitals, seniors' residences or nursing homes on a weekly basis. Through petting, affection, and regular visitation, many people benefit both physically and emotionally from the unconditional love of a dog, while also providing the volunteer with a unique and rewarding volunteer experience.
The program continues to grow, boasting more than 3,500 volunteer dog teams providing over 275,000 hours of their time visiting hospitals, retirement residences, care facilities, schools and universities. The friendly attention and acceptance of these four-legged volunteers are always greatly appreciated.
Therapy dog services are provided in a wide range of community settings such as:
Seniors residences and care facilities
Schools, universities and colleges
Community centres and libraries
The Therapy Dog program provides opportunities for individuals to:
Talk with the volunteer and the dog
Feel, touch, pet and cuddle the dog
Receive unconditional love from the dog
Carry-out or practice an activity in the presence of the dog
More information on therapy dogs at St John Ambulance here.
Central Library, the largest of the nine Branches in the Regina Public Library system, is a social and informational hub in the heart of downtown Regina. The Library maintains an extensive calendar of programs, training opportunities, art exhibits in the Dunlop Art Gallery, along with film screenings in the Library's very own repertory film theatre!